
Lun - Ven : 8h - 20h / Sam - Dim : 8h - 16h


Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 21, 2023

1. Context

The personal information (hereinafter the information) that you entrust to us is essential for our business relationship with you. We know they are precious and we are determined to do everything we can to protect them.

That is why we have adopted this policy, in which we describe our practices aimed at protecting your information and your privacy. Our goal is to be transparent with you. This policy applies to the use and communication of any information collected, as well as to the way in which GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partner sites collect the information in question, as part of your business relationship with them. This policy applies as long as we hold your information, including after the end of our business relationship. Our marketing department is responsible for these practices applied within GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partner sites. If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us at one of the following addresses:

Responsible for the protection of personal information
Marc-Steev Michel
GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion
600, Boulevard Harwood, Suite 10, Vaudreuil-Dorion (Québec) J7V 6A3
Phone: 450-455-9301

You can also contact us as indicated in Section 8 below if you have any questions.

This privacy policy applies to GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partner sites offering personalization services on clothing and promotional items.

2. About the information collected

2.1. Type of information

IMPORTANT: We limit the collection of your information to what is necessary to help us serve you well.

2.2. Source of information

We may collect your information directly from you when you communicate or interact with us, when you purchase a product or service, when you apply for a posted position, or when you update your preferences and account settings. We may also collect your information indirectly and from other sources. Where required, we obtain your consent.

People linked to your products and services:

Content generated through the use of our websites, mobile applications and social media platforms.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file stored by your browser on a dedicated space on your device's hard drive, when you visit a website. It allows its issuer to identify the device in which it is placed during its validity period and to keep in memory certain information relating to your journey, in particular, in order to simplify your navigation on websites or offer you content tailored to your interests.

Purposes of data processing

We and our partners use technologies that collect non-critical information from your device to refine our offerings and present advertising and content tailored to your preferences. You have the choice to accept or refuse certain of these purposes.

Essential and safety

We use technologies and cookie files which are essential to ensure the optimal functioning and security of our online services. Their deactivation is not possible. They help us and our partners to secure your connection by saving your credentials, to adapt your interface (for example, the choice of language), to reduce the sending of fraudulent forms and to remember your preferences regarding the use of technologies that collect your information.

Analysis and optimization of the experience

The data collected by these technologies plays a crucial role in constantly enriching your browsing experience. They help us and our partners to understand how you interact with our online services (for example, where you come from and your navigation path) and to evaluate and analyze the use of our platforms by generating statistics and data on traffic (such as pages viewed). You have the possibility, at any time, to revoke your consent to the use of these technologies.

Marketing and advertising

This collected data helps us and our partners remember the links you click and the pages you visit on our online platforms. This allows us to better understand your preferences and suggest offers and services tailored to your expectations. They also facilitate the creation of target groups, i.e. sets of users sharing similar interests, to personalize our advertising campaigns and evaluate their impact more effectively. You have the option, at any time, to revoke your consent to the use of these technologies.

How to manage and deactivate them?

If you refuse the recording of cookies, your navigation and your experience on the site may be limited.

The user is invited to give their consent to the placement of these cookies by clicking on Accept or Close in the pop-up appearing on the site page during their navigation. By clicking on the Customize button, you can express your consent for each type of cookie storage according to each of the purposes mentioned.

By clicking on Decline, the user who opposes the deposit of cookies on his terminal by the site, may see his navigation and his experience on the site be limited.

Some audience measurement cookies may not be configured because they are essential for the proper functioning of the site. The user can object to the placement of cookies from their browser in the following way:

For Internet Explorer™: open the Tools menu, then select Internet Options; click on the Confidentiality tab then the Advanced tab choose the desired level or follow this link: http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies

For Firefox™: open the Tools menu, then select Options; click on the Privacy tab then choose the desired options or follow this link: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies

For Chrome™: open the configuration menu (wrench logo), then select Options; click on Advanced options then in the Privacy section, click on Content settings, and choose the options you want or follow the following link: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647

For Opera™: open the Tools or Settings menu, then select Delete private data; click the Detailed Options tab, then choose the options you want or follow this link: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html

The main social media management companies also have pages dedicated to Cookies as presented below:

For Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies

For X (formerly Twitter): https://help.twitter.com/fr/safety-and-security/twitter-do-not-track

For Google: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=fr

For LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy

With regard to social networks, the user must follow the steps specific to the social network concerned to deactivate cookies.

3. Use and disclosure of personal information

We use and disclose your information to:

3.2. Communication of your information

It is sometimes necessary to share your information with others for legitimate purposes. This may be, for example, a communication required by law, necessary to protect your interests in the event of fraud or allowing you to participate in a program with a partner or to offer you services on our behalf. At all times, we undertake to limit information to what is strictly necessary and to obtain your consent, when required.

We ensure the integrity, security and confidentiality of your information. Under no circumstances do we sell customer lists to third parties.

We may communicate your information to:

3.3. Service providers

We select service providers very carefully. They fall into the following categories in particular:

Suppliers who have access to your information undertake to use your information only for the purposes mentioned in the agreement and to grant them the same level of protection that we offer.

4. Consent

We only use your information with your consent or if the law allows us to do so. We obtain your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information:

However, we do not obtain your consent in every interaction with you. For example, if you have subscribed to a newsletter, we may consider that you accept that we communicate with you as part of a satisfaction survey.

5. Exercise of your rights

5.1. Right to accept or refuse to provide your information

Your information belongs to you. Subject to legal, business or contractual requirements, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection, use or disclosure of information. We will process your request as soon as possible.

However, certain information is essential for us to be able to provide you with certain products and services. If you refuse to provide them, it may be difficult, if not impossible, to establish or maintain a business relationship with you or even to offer you some of our products. For example, if you do not want to provide your email address, we will not be able to send you newsletters, or any other communications to which you have subscribed.

5.2. Right to opt out of our use of your information for certain purposes

You can refuse our use of your information or withdraw your consent for the following purposes:

Send you our promotional offers

GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partners may, from time to time, share promotions that may interest you. You can withdraw your consent to receive it at any time. There may be a delay before you stop receiving our promotional offers, particularly those from a promotional campaign already in progress.

We may also use your name, email address or other contact information to create custom audiences on social and digital media platforms. This allows us to display advertisements tailored to your needs and interests on these platforms. You can opt out of the use of your information for targeted advertising by changing your preferences in your social media account settings or by contacting us.

We may, from time to time, contact you to ask if you would like to update your choices to ensure that our records are up to date and reflect your current preferences.

Please note that if you withdraw your consent to this use, you may still see some of our advertising on social media platforms. However, these advertisements will not have been targeted following the use of your name and contact details.

Collect and use your digital information on our online services

With your consent, GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partners may use cookies, web beacons, pixels, log files or other technologies to gather certain personal information about visitors to our website, as well as recipients of our newsletters, invitations and other communications. Cookies are data sent by the server to the browser when visiting a site, allowing the current session to be uniquely identified. This information may include details such as your IP address, browser type and version, the pages of our Site that you visit, the date and time of your visit, the length of your session and other statistics.

Please note that our website may contain links to third party sites. Our Privacy Policy no longer applies once you leave our site. GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partners are not responsible for the collection or processing of personal information by these third parties or via these external sites.

5.3. Withdrawal of consent

You can at any time withdraw your consent to receive our promotional offers and your consent to the sharing of your financial information between GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partners. You can request this by unsubscribing from newsletters, deactivating your account or contacting customer service. We will process your request as soon as possible.

You can also refuse the use of cookies on our websites at any time.

What you will continue to receive after you withdraw your consent:

You will continue to receive information relating to your current products and services. You may also continue to receive information about our products and services orally from members of our team. Indeed, they have a duty to advise you and will continue to give you this information when necessary.

You may also continue to see personalized offers about our products and services on our website or social media platforms if you have authorized the use of cookies and other similar technologies through our online banner.

5.4. Right to access your information

You may request to see the information we hold about you, unless the law provides limits on this request.

How to view your information

To view your information, you must make a request:

We will process your request within 30 days, or longer if required by law, and send you confirmation by email. We will inform you if the delay is longer than 30 days.

5.5 Right to have your information corrected

You can correct inaccurate information about you. To be able to provide you with quality service, it is essential that your information is accurate and complete. To this end, we are counting on you to help us maintain the quality of the information we hold by informing us of any changes. To make a request, refer to the procedure identified in section 5.4 above.

6. Security measures

6.1. Retention for a limited period

We retain your information, in digital format, for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected or as long as required or permitted by law. The purpose, nature and sensitivity of the information have been taken into account in determining retention periods.

GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partners are subject to numerous legal obligations regarding the retention of personal information (for example, under tax laws). Generally speaking, to meet these obligations, information relating to your personal profile (such as your name, position, email, sector) will be kept for the duration of your relationship with us and for a period of five years following the end of your relationship. this one. Additionally, we will retain your transactional information for five years after it is executed.

Certain exceptions may apply and require longer retention periods, for example in the case of disputes or claims. In this case, your information may be kept for up to ten years. When your information is no longer needed, we endeavor to destroy it securely.

6.2. Places of conservation

GMF Vaudreuil-Dorion and its partners, service providers and other third parties to whom your information is communicated under this privacy policy may carry out activities outside Quebec and Canada. Your information can therefore be used and stored securely in other provinces and countries. In certain cases, your information may be subject to laws and access rights of authorities in foreign countries, including the United States.

6.3. Information Security Program

We go to great lengths to protect your information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, use or disclosure and against any other breach of the protection of such information. We have a security program in place to keep up with constantly evolving threats to information security. The measures adopted in our security program are:

7. Policy change

We may modify this privacy policy when required. We will notify you by means of a notice appearing on our websites and by any other appropriate means to contact you.

8. For any questions or comments

To ask a question or send a comment, you can contact us:

Send an email to: marie-eve.verville.gmf16@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

Call our customer service:450-455-9301

To provide an optimal browsing experience, we and our partners use cookies or similar technologies to store and/or access device information. With your consent, these technologies allow us to process data such as browsing behavior on this site in order to improve the user experience. Failure to consent may negatively impact certain features and functions.

We value your privacy.

When you provide us with your personal data, including preferences, we will only process information that is necessary for the purpose for which it has been collected. You can read about the other ways we may use your data in our privacy policy.


Necessary cookies are crucial to the basic functions of the website and the website will not function as intended without them. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable data.


Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information about the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

By using our website, you accept the terms of our privacy policy